Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Ropes

While reading one of my favorite fashion blogs this weekend I discovered the perfect summer accessory made by The Ropes: bracelets made from marine ropes and hardware found on the coast of Maine (and most importantly super cute!).

Now the tough choice of which one to purchase...

 P.s. If you are not already a fellow Atlantic Pacific follower I strongly suggest you take a peek!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just Because: Apple + Paris

I just had to share these images that I saw over on the always lovely This is Glamorous of the Apple Store in Paris. As an owner of many Apple products I always appreciate how clean and calming their stores can be even when they are over crowded with tourists and technologically frustrated patrons. Their store in Paris though is insanely gorgeous though - a real tourist attraction indeed...

*all images via This is Glamorous

Happy belated New Year to all! I am afraid that wedding planning has gotten the better of me, but I have been pinning up a storm so click on over and check on all things "pin" worthy.

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