Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Crushing on Carey: 2

I do not think I will ever tire of Carey Mulligan. She is on her path to becoming a major force in Hollywood and after reading the interview in Vogue, of which she grace the cover, it is official - she is as adorable as she looks. She will be hitting the big screen soon in Wall Street: Money Never Ends and Never Let Me Go. Both performances are being critically applauded and after her past performances there is little reason to doubt that. 
The images from her cover shoot in the South of France are breathtaking... I would love to be out in the country and decked in couture - these images depict just that!

In the interview she mentioned that she wants "to be in Glee, but I'm told that I'm not famous enough for a cameo yet." I think the days of her not being famous enough yet are coming to an end. To see my "Crushing on Carey" post about her Interview Mag cover click here and for the full article check out

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I could ever tire of carey, either! she's so very charming. I have a feeling that she'll be around for awhile. I LOOOVE all of her red carpet ensembles. even this one (and I don't usually like sparkles!):

    xoxo fallon


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