Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Match Made in Heaven: MatchbookMag!

Last night I was so thrilled to meet Fallon from A Lovely Being and the team of the soon-to-launch: MatchbookMag! Three of my favorite bloggers (Fallon, Katie from The Neo-traditionalist and Jane from Lox Papers) have teamed up to create a monthly, digital lifestyle magazine that was described as drawing on inspirations from their favorite women of the past to influence those of the present. I can't wait to see what they have pulled together for the first issue! Until then be sure to check out their tumblr - it is like an ever-changing inspiration board!

p.s. MatchbookMag is named after their mutual love of vintage matchbooks - trés chic...

1 comment:

  1. Pagie -- it was so lovely to meet you! You and your friend are SO sweet. Thank you thank you for stopping by. We're very excited that you're excited. By the way, "Match Made in Heaven" is such a cute + clever title for the post! Happy holidays :) Try to stay warm!
    XOXOXO fallon


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